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  • 2023年7月19日


    When it comes to writing about legal agreements, there are certain phrases and synonyms that are commonly used to indicate that two or more parties have come to an agreement. As a copy editor with SEO experience, it`s important to be aware of these synonyms and use them effectively in your writing to optimize search engine results and improve readability.

    Here are some common synonyms for “enter into an agreement”:

    1. Reach an agreement: This synonym is straightforward and easy to understand. It indicates that two or more parties have agreed to the terms of a contract or deal.

    2. Conclude an agreement: This synonym implies that a negotiation or discussion has taken place and a final decision has been made. It is often used in formal or legal contexts.

    3. Agree to terms: This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts to indicate that two parties have come to an understanding or reached a mutually acceptable agreement.

    4. Bind oneself: This phrase indicates that a party is committing to the terms of an agreement and is legally obligated to fulfill those terms.

    5. Sign a contract: This is perhaps the most direct way of indicating that an agreement has been reached. It implies that the parties have put their agreement in writing and have signed the document to make it official.

    6. Formalize an agreement: This phrase implies that a preliminary agreement has already been discussed and that the parties are now working to finalize the details and make the agreement official.

    7. Execute a contract: Similar to “sign a contract”, this phrase indicates that the parties have put their agreement in writing and have taken the necessary steps to make it legally binding.

    When writing about legal agreements, it`s important to use a variety of synonyms to avoid repetition and keep the writing interesting. However, it`s also important to use the correct terminology to ensure that the meaning is clear and accurate. By using these synonyms effectively and strategically, you can improve the SEO of your writing and make it more appealing to readers.