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Seminar Information


  • 2023年2月19日


    Over contract in a sentence, or overconstriction, occurs when a sentence contains too many words, clauses, or ideas that can make it difficult to read and understand. This can be a common problem in writing, especially when trying to convey complex ideas or concepts.

    Over-contracted sentences can be confusing and frustrating to read, and can even cause readers to give up on the text altogether. Additionally, they can harm a writer`s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts by making it difficult for search engines to comprehend the content and rank it appropriately.

    To avoid over-contracted sentences, writers should aim to keep their sentences clear and concise. They should use simple language and structure their ideas in a logical, coherent manner. This means breaking up long sentences into shorter ones and avoiding the use of unnecessary words and repetition.

    Writers should also consider their audience when writing, and tailor their language and style to suit them. A sentence that is easy to read and understand for one audience may not be so for another.

    Finally, it`s important for writers to proofread their work carefully, looking for areas where sentences are over-contracted and making necessary revisions. This will improve the readability and clarity of their writing, making it more effective for both human readers and search engines.

    In conclusion, over contract in a sentence is a common problem that can harm both readability and SEO efforts. By keeping sentences clear and concise, tailoring language and style to the audience, and proofreading carefully, writers can avoid over-contracted sentences and produce more effective writing.