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Nbcrfli Wage Agreement 2021


The NBCRFLI Wage Agreement for 2021: What It Means for Workers in South Africa

The National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry (NBCRFLI) has recently announced its wage agreement for 2021. As a worker in the road freight and logistics industry in South Africa, it’s important to understand what this agreement means for your pay and working conditions.

Firstly, it’s worth noting that the NBCRFLI is a bargaining council established in terms of the Labour Relations Act. It covers workers in the road freight and logistics industry, which includes truck drivers, warehouse workers, administrative staff, and other related roles. The council negotiates with employers on behalf of workers to secure fair wages and working conditions.

So, what exactly does the 2021 wage agreement entail? The agreement was reached between the NBCRFLI and the South African Transport and Allied Workers’ Union (SATAWU), the Professional Transport Workers’ Union (PTWU), and the Motor Transport Workers’ Union (MTWU).

According to the agreement, workers in the road freight and logistics industry can expect the following:

1. Wage increases

There will be a 5.4% wage increase for workers earning below R10,061 per month, and a 4.5% increase for those earning above that amount. This increase will be backdated to 1 March 2021.

2. Other benefits

In addition to the wage increase, workers can also expect other benefits such as increased medical aid contributions, an increase in the funeral benefit, and a 13th cheque for workers who have been employed for more than six months.

3. Improved working conditions

The NBCRFLI has also committed to improving working conditions for workers in the industry. This includes providing proper training for drivers and other staff, ensuring that workers are not required to work excessively long hours, and improving safety standards in the workplace.

It’s important to note that this agreement only applies to workers who fall under the NBCRFLI bargaining council. If you work in the road freight and logistics industry but your employer is not a member of the council, you may not be covered by this agreement.

In conclusion, the NBCRFLI wage agreement for 2021 is good news for workers in the road freight and logistics industry in South Africa. The wage increase and other benefits will help to improve the standard of living for workers and their families, while the commitment to improving working conditions will help to ensure that workers are safe and well-trained. As a worker in the industry, it’s important to know your rights and to ensure that your employer is following the terms of the NBCRFLI agreement.
