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Seminar Information


  • 2022年2月18日


    Grant Agreement Marie Curie: Understanding the Basics

    Marie Curie was a famous physicist and chemist who was awarded two Nobel Prizes for her work in the field of radioactivity. In her honor, the European Commission created the Marie Curie Actions, which provide funding for researchers and scientists to carry out research projects across various fields of science.

    One of the key components of the Marie Curie Actions is the grant agreement, which is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of the funding. In this article, we will provide an overview of the grant agreement for Marie Curie Actions and discuss its main components.

    1. Purpose of the Grant Agreement

    The purpose of the grant agreement is to ensure that the research project is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the funding. The agreement outlines the obligations of both the beneficiary (the researcher who receives the funding) and the European Commission.

    2. Duration of the Grant

    The grant agreement specifies the duration of the funding and the start and end dates of the research project. This allows the beneficiary to plan their research activities accordingly and ensures that the project is completed within the specified timeframe.

    3. Budget and Funding

    The grant agreement also outlines the budget of the research project and the amount of funding that the beneficiary will receive. The agreement specifies how the funding can be used and what expenses are eligible for reimbursement.

    4. Reporting and Monitoring

    The grant agreement requires the beneficiary to submit regular progress reports and financial statements to the European Commission. These reports help the Commission to monitor the progress of the research project and ensure that the funding is being used appropriately.

    5. Intellectual Property Rights

    The grant agreement also addresses issues related to intellectual property rights. It specifies who owns the intellectual property rights to the research results and how they can be used.

    6. Dissemination and Communication

    The grant agreement requires the beneficiary to disseminate the research results to the wider scientific community and the public. The agreement specifies the requirements for dissemination and communication of the research results.

    In conclusion, the grant agreement for Marie Curie Actions is a crucial document that ensures that the research project is carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the funding. It outlines the obligations of both the beneficiary and the European Commission and provides a framework for the successful completion of the research project. As a researcher, it is important to fully understand the grant agreement and to comply with its requirements to ensure the success of your research project.